Saturday, August 2, 2014

Freshly Picked Review

Freshly Picked Moccasins Review

Stella and I had the chance of reviewing one of the latest baby trends from Freshly Picked!! I jumped all over this opportunity when I saw a post on instagram about reviewing these oh so cute moccasins for children. I remember watching Susan on Shark Tank and telling Jake "this woman is brilliant!!!" I didn't have children yet, but thought they were so adorable and hoped for a little girl (even though boys can wear them too) so she could wear these adorable moccs!
courtesy of Freshly Picked

I have never purchased them previously because of the price.. it was a bit steep not sure if these would even stay on Stella's skinny feet!! Stella has a ridiculous amount of shoes and of course her foot is too skinny to wear 90% of them. These actually stay on her foot!!! I was shocked, and am so in love! I was worried about the strap around the foot being too tight and it was fine. Stella didn't even notice them on her feet. I picked the neon hot pink and love the color! She wears lots of pink, and white so they do with anything! I can dress them up or down! Overall I am very pleased with the Moccasins and love supporting Freshly Picked! I would purchase these in the future for her! Thanks Freshly Picked for sending me a pair to try out, we love them!! They are also launching exclusively at Nordstrom in the fall if you want to try them on!!

photos Freshly Picked 

For more information please visit
"100% Genuine Leather Moccasins

Freshly Picked moccasins feature a unique design with elastic at the opening. Our shoes are easy to put on, easy to take off, and most importantly: stay on your child’s foot. Our soft-soled shoes are made with durable leather and are suitable for infants and toddlers alike. Moccasins fit true to size and are available in children sizes 1 - 10. For sizing inquiries, please see our shoe size chart.

These gorgeous moccs have been featured in Parenting Magazine, IN TOUCH, US weekly,, Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Kourtney and Kim Take New York.

Each item in our shop is hand made in the U.S.A. and ready to ship. Please allow at least 10 - 15 business days for your moccs to ship."-Freshly Picked

Monday, October 7, 2013

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 36 lbs
Maternity clothes? pants only, still in most my clothes
Stretch marks? a tiny bit
Sleep: cannot sleep so trying to sleep when i can
Best moment this week: getting to see Stella!! 
Miss Anything? soda the bad stuff  
Movement: yes all the time
Food cravings: little debbies and icecream
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: irregular contractions and yes some other fun stuff ;)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: very happy excited
Looking forward to: having her in our arms 


At our 36 week appointment we found out that Stella has been breeched. Our doctor ended up scheduling a c-section for October 15, and if she flipped October 25. We found this out Monday. Tuesday night I thought I was dying, I had so much pain all through the night and started googling (worst thing ever to do..) I wanted to hold off instead of going to the hospital, however ended up going first thing in the morning once I called my doctor.. They told us to bring all our bags just incase she decides to come and something wasn't normal. I knew in my heart she probably wasn't making her debut that day, but wanted answers of why I was in so much pain every movement I made. We waited forever in Triage. When we went back the doctor examined me, and told me she had flipped and why causing so much pain! We couldn't believe a day after she flipped. My mother in law told us to have Jake talk to her, and of course everyone was praying ideally would rather natural than a c-section unless she was in danger or needed. This news was an answer to prayers! The pain I was having was her flipping as well as "growing pains" from the new position. I also have been measuring very small been stuck at 32 weeks for 4 weeks so they ordered an ultrasound to see how big Stella was and at 37 weeks she was a good 7 lbs! I am just "lucky" to be on the smaller side. Jake and I both were relieved to hear she has been growing and on track! It gets old hearing how far along are you? OMG no i thought you were 4 months pregnant not 9! :p Went to doctor today I am 38 weeks and he thinks she may come next week so hopefully she will if not sooner! :)
38 weeks

36 weeks

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Closet Reveal

 This was my Favorite part of her nursery and project that I've done all summer! We have closet issues in our entire place, and I knew this would have to be changed the minute I found out I was pregnant (yes already was worried where I would put all her clothes!) I started pinning, and brainstorming how could I do the best closet for our baby as well as expanding storage space in her nursery also on a budget. The room is very tiny, therefore knew the closet would have to be our main storage area, and needed to be as organized as possible especially early on with all of the things a baby needs!

I found the best system for us was the Closet Maid custom closet organizer from Home Depot. $100 then one drawer small for accessories Small Drawer $30 and two Deep drawers $42 each, white basket $30. I ended up buying white shelves and cutting them to what we needed, and added one more extra rods for hanging vs the 4. Total cost of closet maid $300 then fabric approximately $60

Total: $360 DIY Custom Closet

Before as you can see just not working! 
All cleaned out
Step one
Now I did have doors on but knew this small corner was only place for glider and took the doors off permanently. I really love seeing all her stuff and the extra space it gave our room. I would highly recommend wallpaper vs upholstering with fabric! I had to use special almost like L brackets, and a staple gun to do this. I used the L brackets for the corner so they were smooth, and even to add the rest of fabric to the sides of the closet. This was SOO much work! Wallpaper if possible!! 

see how the seam is almost perfect? worth the extra work! 

Then we moved onto the shelving system

The shelves ended up being more work than we expected.. The wall on the right was 1/2" off left to right. We had to custom cut each shelf to make it fit correctly.

Stella's clothes taking over mine! 

Accessories drawer! 

Closet complete!

before you can see the change with paint color and closet

I am so happy with the final product! I am so glad I did this 4 months pregnant vs 8 months now! I can't imagine the labor and work this took with help! Now all I need is Stella to arrive! 

31 weeks

awful picture, only one I took

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes? pants only, still in most my clothes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: not so great..been really uncomfortable
Best moment this week: getting to see Stella!! 
Miss Anything? my normal pants and sushi still 
Movement: yes and tons of it! 
Food cravings: star crunch and donuts
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No, but awful braxton hicks 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy anxious 
Looking forward to: moving back to Florida in 2 weeks!! <3

Sweet little Stella bean! I was measuring smaller than how far along I was and had a very scary week praying that Stella would be okay and healthy! Luckily I am just smaller, and she is 4 lbs, and very healthy right on time!! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

DIY weathered sign

I love DIY projects! I would rather make it and figure it out myself than purchase if possible! I had a vision and originally thought Stella was a boy so only focused on boy nursery projects/themes! When we found out it was a girl, I still wanted something really unique on the rustic side behind her crib. I googled, etsy, pinterest, ebay, antique shops you name it for weeks! I couldn't find anything what I loved plus the decal I ordered from Glass Den (who is amazing and I have ordered many things from her for gifts, etc) was a very awkward size 40" length. This made it difficult! I had emailed a few shops on etsy about signs but most ignored me (rude) and nothing I really loved! I knew I could make something. Being 7 months pregnant probably not the smartest-oh well it was worth it!! I started to brainstorm and went with it. 
Plywood (doesn't matter type of wood you will stain it anyways)
2 paint samples ($3 each) and was plenty!  
crackle paint (worthless didn't work for me)
paint brush
L brackets

Hobby Lobby:
iron decorations

I started with painting first layer of my paint (grey, then tan.) I let it dry overnight. My original goal was crackle paint, but I applied it while at beach and I believe the salt in the air messed it up. I hated the look and almost threw the entire thing out. When I got home I started sanding, adding more paint, dark stain, white paint, more sanding, and just kept messing with it until I got that "Weathered look." With the Iron embellishment my dad said I needed some wood behind it, so traced the iron and took a hand saw cutting then antiqued it. This took me about a day once the paint dried! I am so happy with it and looks amazing behind her crib! Pictures don't do it justice! <3 Don't give up if you get frustrated, keep playing around with it and make it your own! 
screwing it all in belly and all
top wood cut out for iron embellishment

stained to match rest

Idea #1 but felt the dark was too much for her room


24 weeks

 How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs
Maternity clothes? pants only, still in most my clothes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping great - minus the frequent trips to the bathroom
Best moment this week: Going back to Florida for a trip! 
Miss Anything? sushi, soda, pepic ac haha
Movement: yes finally can feel her! 
Food cravings: sugar, cake, sour patch kids
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada.
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: finalizing her nursery! 

Before I left for 6 weeks to go home to Florida we took a few photos on the field after Jake's game! It has been an amazing ride getting promoted to AAA this year in May! I'm so thankful for the opportunity Jake has gotten, and the team we are playing with!